Ranger's Apprentice, My Opinion

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“Shokaku is a crane of some kind.”
“For lifting things?” Will asked.
“For flying. A crane is a large bird,” she corrected him.
“Seems like a logical thing for a crane to do,” Halt mused. “I suppose you wouldn't expect it to mean a hiking crane or a waddling crane.” - Author: John Flanagan

My favorite series is Ranger’s Apprentice, a collection of amazing fantasy novels, written by John Flanagan. The storyline follows the life of Will through his footsteps from a new Ranger Apprentice to a fully fledged Ranger. Through his journey, Will has to face numerous challenges, both physically and emotionally draining, in order to become stronger. The details, plot, and the value it has, are what really made these works of literature stand out to me. Even though I’ve read many different novels, this stands out to me because it feels like I am experiencing the occasion in real life.

The elaborate use of sensory details really allows me to be included in the story, which makes characters seem like old friends. The scenery is described perfectly, even when there are relatively mundane settings. The implementation of describing details really fits the narrative together and immerses the reader. For example, in the first volume, when Will is riding through the night, it scares me when I read it because of the detailed description of the moving shadows and anxiety that Will suffers during these hours of darkness.

Another reason I love this series is because the plot is gripping. In the second, the main characters are trying to burn down a bridge so that the villain Morgarath can’t use it to invade their home country. The compelling nature of this narrative lures the reader in and doesn’t disappoint. They are written in such a fascinating manner, from the characters that seem like real people to the thrilling descriptions of landscapes, emotions, and objects.

When I was younger, I loved every aspect even more, reading it over and over again to the point that my brother thought I was crazy. They are so captivating, with a rebellion in the tenth volume, led by a ruthless warlord against a kind, benevolent emperor. Every time I read it I noticed something new, especially with the small but meaningful connections to the ancient world. This allows the books to have a fresh feeling no matter the circumstances.

In these amazing page turners, Flanagan successfully constructs one interesting tale after another. The main characters remain highly respectable and charming from the very first second I started reading, and readers meet vivid characters along the way. Their lives are intertwined throughout, and we get to revisit some of the side characters down the road. Ranger’s Apprentice is the best series that I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading.


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