How Do We Create Pollution?

        How did we create pollution? Pollution is definitely one of the largest problems today. But how does it slip through our grasp even though we try to prevent it?

        Air pollution is a serious problem. Every time you forget to recycle a plastic bottle, or drop it in a lake, or just leave it in the environment, you are causing pollution. However, air pollution is mostly caused by factories, cars, planes, and fumes from spray cans. These objects are well-known today, and proof of that is that 88 percent of Americans own a car. Also, have you ever noticed that if you smell the air when a car passes by, it’s stinky? Most people have noticed that. That is air pollution through cars.

        Not only do we cause air pollution, but we also destroy the things that destroy air pollution. The amount of trees being cut down is depressing, fifteen point three billion trees are cut down each year. This has caused a significant change in Co2 in the environment. Only a few people have actually decided to make a change, like the 8 billion trees foundation, but trees are definitely being cut down faster than they can be planted.

        Pollution is destroying our planet, and everybody knows that, but why aren’t we stopping? There are 8 million metric tons of trash in the oceans. That is the same weight as 57,000 blue whales! Some scientists say that by 2050, the trash in the ocean will outweigh the fish. Although we may have destroyed the habitats of animals and endangered them, we are also their best hope of further life. Also, if you destroy a habitat, you should be inclined to bring it back.


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