My Experience With Siblings

        Do you have a sibling? I do. Is having a sibling a good or bad thing? Just like two sides of the same coin, I believe there are pros and cons to having siblings. I have an older brother, who is definitely my role model in many cases, and I enjoy his company a lot, only with mixed feelings now and then.         For example, I have relatively advanced basketball skills compared to my peers, and my older brother would get most of the credit for training me. On the one hand, I am proud of my skill development, and appreciate him so much for being my coach. On the other hand, sometimes playing with him can seem impossible, as the Dunning-Kruger Effect states that highly capable individuals assume that everybody else is just as skilled as they are. Playing basketball with him can be challenging. 

My brother and I are getting along (very crazy I know), picture taken by my mom.

        Simply put, while I love him so much and have learned a lot from him, it can also be stressful at times when coping with unbalanced capabilities due to age differences, derogatory jokes, being dragged into what you don't want to do, or being treated roughly when he is in a bad mood. Growing up with me, he definitely gets exposed to chances to build his leadership skills, and handle uneasy situations. While we share so many happy memories, it could also be a pain for him to deal with a young naughty person like me. 

Thinking back, those interesting conversations during our road trips, the funny jokes we shared, the times we played games together, the momentum I got from his leading examples, and many more are all great moments that I would treasure for life. With that said, in my opinion, having a sibling is indeed a great thing overall. Not only can you learn a lot from your siblings, but they are great company to have. The negatives are minor and to some extent even help us grow. If I had to choose between having a sibling or not, I would strongly vote to have one. How about you?


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