Traits of Successful People

What does it take to be successful? Is it money, intelligence, popularity, or simply luck? Well, you might be surprised to know they barely even contribute to success. 

According to a Ted-Ed video on the traits of successful people,  the 8 characteristics of high achievers are to

  • be passionate,

  • work hard,

  • focus your energy on one thing at a time,

  • keep pushing yourself,

  • come up with good ideas,

  • improve at what you do,

  • serve others,

  • and, persist until you succeed.

All success starts with passion. You can’t become good at something without that burning child-like curiosity in the subject you wish to pursue. Without it, you could be aimless, wandering around, hopefully still trying to find something you enjoy doing.

However, with passion, you will enjoy working hard, focusing on a specific field, and become great at it. At the same time, most likely you will persistently push yourself, and continue to work harder. Along the way, gaining ideas and creativity is important, which helps your work stand out. Finally, you need to serve others because being great never means you only help yourself.

These traits are shared amongst the most successful people on earth. I hope you are just as inspired as I am!


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