Good things that happened in 2020

Many of us probably remember 2020 as the worst year of our lives. To cheer us up, I did some

research about good things that happened in 2020. 

  1. A team of scientists have been researching a way to separate the salt and the water from salt water using graphene-oxide membrane; an exciting breakthrough that might potentially allow us to have an abundant source of drinking water.

  2. The cure for Polio is coming. Since 1998, the amount of people diagnosed with Polio has decreased significantly by around 99%, so that only very few people today are still fighting the wild Polio virus.

  3. Pollution is dropping drastically. Directly associated with COVID-19, many of us are staying at home, so fewer emissions are let into the environment, making 2020 have only half the emissions of 2019.

  4. SpaceX, for the first time ever, sent astronauts into space.

  5. Many countries, including the U.S., have started giving out vaccines.

 I think these 5 things are 5 significant landmarks. While we are still practicing social distancing, hope is on the horizon. I’m looking forward to what will happen in 2021!


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