The Origins of The Camera

Flash! Snap! Picture taken, photo downloaded. Taking pictures may seem very easy now, but the fact is, like many other technology developments, photography has gone through a lengthy development phase.

The word photography literally means ‘drawing with light’. We can see why if we take a look at the first camera. The first camera was actually a room with a small hole on a side wall. Light would go through the hole, and since it is reflected in straight lines, the image would be projected on the opposite wall, upside down. When the very first photograph was taken, the actor had to pose for eight hours-. Although, it was soon shaved to 15 minutes. But still, can you hold your posture for even 15 seconds? So, perhaps the next time you pose for a picture, you’d appreciate how fast and easy the way it is now.

The lens takes all the light bouncing around and uses glass to redirect them to one point, creating an image. When all of those light rays meet back together on a digital camera sensor or a piece of film, they create a sharp image, which can be printed out.

The camera is only one great example of how much humanity can improve an object in just one and a half centuries.


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