Frigid Airs

        I watched a documentary called Frozen Worlds, it was about the ecosystems near the arctic and antarctic. I learned many interesting things about animals who migrate there in the summer or live there year-round.

Take the Antarctic as an example, which houses many species, including Penguins, Seals, Orcas, Whales, and Krill. The most amazing one in my opinion is the penguin, who is fascinating above water and intriguing under water. Below the ocean’s surface, penguins hunt for fish and krill. Above the water, they are brave, but also in constant danger, especially when they feed their young. Surviving itself is a challenge to many. As you might not be aware that the penguins are nowhere near the top of the antarctic food chain. Seals and Orcas hunt for penguins in the open sea. Not to mention that humpback whales have started migrating to Antarctica for a chance to eat the Antarctic krill, causing the population of krill to drop forty percent in a couple of years, which further reduces penguins food supply.

At the other side of the Earth, the arctic contains a different variety of creatures such as Polar Bears, Seals, Narwhals, and Walruses. Survival isn’t easy here as well. It is all about hunting food and hiding from predators. Polar Bears hunt seals, however, most seal hunts end in failure. Narwhals do an annual gathering waiting for a crack in the ice surrounding the arctic; so they can hide from predators inside the crack. Needless to say , Walruses are by no means less unfortunate. Due to global warming, ice is melting faster than ever, they have to join at Northern Russia as the largest walrus gathering in the world, only for the ice on the mountain top. However, hundreds of walruses get crushed to death under the crowdedness.

The frigid areas of our earth fascinates me and worries me at the same time. Nature is truly an amazing subject, every single animal attracts my attention and screams at me to keep studying them. It is sad to see that we are destroying it, but I believe we are also its best chance for further thriving. 


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