should cell phones be in school?

        There is an ongoing cell phone debate about whether cell phones are allowed in the classroom. Bethel Middle School banned phones in their school from the beginning of the school day all the way to the end. Most administrators say that this was a very smart idea and approved immediately. Many schools followed suit and banned phones at their schools as well. These schools have reported better test scores after they banned the phones.

        One study found that 95 percent of kids bring their phones to class, a staggering 92 percent text during class time, and ten percent of kids have confessed to having texted during an exam. A school in Utah banned smartphones and have confiscated 200 since they have banned them. They report that the test scores have skyrocketed since then.

        I think that phones are not good for middle schoolers and if I were a middle schooler, I would not give myself a phone. I think this because our school requires a computer that we put our work on. The computer is our only device which means that phones are not needed. That is the reason that I think I do not need a phone for middle school.

        The bright spots about middle schoolers having a phone are all about learning. For example, you can search up some facts if your textbooks don’t have them. Some students could also call their parents if they are found stranded after they evacuated a building or something related to health.

        The negative things about middle schoolers having phones is all related to distractions and overindulging. Some people worry if their kids are texting during class or playing games during their free period. Parents worry if their child’s productivity is being heavily decreased by phones. In fact, 10 percent of parents confessed to have given their child their first phone under the age of seven.

        The cell phone debate is an ongoing debate. Many people disagree with each other about whether there should be phones in the classroom. Also, some people are non-commital, which kind of person are you?


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