
Showing posts from December, 2020

Posture makes a difference

This may be what you look like if you don't watch out          Did you know you can grow a bone in a short amount of time? I don’t suggest it, because it is the result of endless screen time on a small tablet. That tablet is known as a phone. You can get something called “text neck” if you look at your phone too much with extremely bad posture.           Text neck” as it is called, causes neck pain and soreness. Also, looking down at your tablet too much every day can least to back pain ranging from chronic pain to muscle spasms. If you already have a text neck, stretches and exercises that increase flexibility and strength are recommended.           Bad sitting positions are very difficult to reverse, however, anybody can do it with a little bit of luck, perseverance, and practice. People with small posture problems are able to reverse it relatively easier, but the actual difficulty is maintaining excellent body positions.      Bad posture just doesn’t sit well with anybody, and m